
In this course we will be exploring the key elements of Design Thinking, an innovation process which has been around since the 1950s and 60s. Rather than being a rigid model with prescribed methods and processes, design thinking is an approach to innovation which includes key ingredients. I would describe design thinking as ‘the creative exploration of a problem space’. 

The approach is human-centric, biased towards action, and optimistic, framing problems as ‘How might we’ statements. A design thinking process can be adapted and modified to fit your context and team. 

The process aims to identify the sweet spot for innovation, which is the convergence point of three key factors: Feasibility, viability and desirability. Feasibility is about your core operational capacity and strengths. Do we have the ability to make this work? Viability is about making sure it make business sense. Is it sustainable long term? And desirability is about making sure it is what people really need. Where these three meet is the sweet spot for innovation.

There are 5 common stages in the design thinking process. We will exploring each one in the following modules.