
Thank you for taking the team to learn about innovation. We really hope you found this course useful to you as a leader.

Approach innovation with a playful and experimental attitude. Even though you may be trying to solve complex and substantial problems, always remember not to take the journey too seriously. Hold it lightly and follow the insights and learnings to unexpected places. 

The 5 phases on design thinking are not set in stone. You can adapt the innovation process to suit your context. Just make sure you follow the brainstorming rules when ideating and diverging – defer judgement, encourage wild ideas and go for volume. People need to feel like they have a voice and can contribute to the conversation.

As you begin prototyping and testing, don’t be afraid to fail. Fail fast, fail forward. Learn and adapt as needed, co-create with you users and let the journey of discovery guide you to deeper insights, provocative questions and rich ideas.

And remember, we are here to support you on this journey. Reach of for a mentoring or coaching session. We’re happy to train your team and assist with facilitating workshops. Reach out, we would love to connect with you.